Tuesday 24 August 2010

올 여름 내가 만났던 이들 - My summer memories

처서가 지나니 여름을 갈무리라도 하는 듯 비가 내리고 날이 선선해졌다.
유난히 무더웠던 올 여름, 나는 이들을 만났다...

After Chuseo(one of the 24 seasonal divisions occurring about the end of August according to the Oriental Calendar. We wait for the autumn to come at the time of the year), it rained as if to add the finishing touches to the out-going summer. And the weather cooled down suddenly.

This weather was particularly hot this summer as if in a steamer. During this period, I met those people...

St. Thomas Aquinas: 성 토마스 아퀴나스
E.M.Forster: E.M.포스터
Henry Nouwen: 헨리 나우웬
Henry Purcell: 헨리 퍼셀
Joan Baez: 조앤 바에즈
Reinhard Mey: 라인하르트 마이

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