Tuesday 15 February 2011

미얀마로 가는 길 - Passage to Myanmar

미얀마로 가는 날이다.
그동안 쌓아 둔 짐을 줄이고 줄이면서 짐을 꾸렸다고 생각했지만
막상 공항에서 무게를 줄이느라 한바탕 호들갑을 떨었다.
형제들이 공항까지 나와 도와 주었기에 망정이지 참 난감할 뻔했다.
Finally today, I am flying to Yangon, Myanmar.
For the last couple of months, I've been downsizing what I had in my room
and tried to pack things as compact as I could.
But right at the airport, I made a scene out of it to unpack and repack to make it slimmer.
But for the helps I got from the brothers who kindly came out to the airport
so early in the morning, it could have been really embarrassing.

내 힘으로 줄이지 못하는 것을 이제는 줄이라고
하느님께서 말씀하신 듯하다...
Maybe He is telling me that I should throw away things that I do not need anymore.
It is just that I could not do it by myself...

새로운 곳으로 향하는 마음이 두렵고 설렌다.
부디 주님께서 내 곁에 계심을 잊지 않을 수 있기를...
My mind is both fearful and hopeful at the gate of a totally different new world ahead of me.
I pray that I would never forget God's presence close to me...